HTML Meta Keywords - Meta Keywords Maker - Writing Meta Keywords


A special type of meta element called a meta keyword is used in HTML to inform search engines about the content of a website. The meta keywords tag is a group of relevant words and phrases that describe the content of a website.

In the past, Search algorithms employed meta keywords to determine the importance and ranking of a webpage. Because search engines have evolved to rely on increasingly complicated algorithms that examine a number of elements to determine the importance of a website, meta keywords are no longer recognised as a significant rating factor.

Some search engines have even completely stopped utilising meta keywords in their algorithms due to how easily they can be manipulated and misused by website owners trying to improve their ranks. As a result, employing meta words is no longer thought to be as important as it previously was.

Search engines now consider more factors than only meta keywords, such as the calibre of the content, its relevance to the search query, the amount and quality of inbound links to the website, and other factors.

Because of this, even while HTML still allows the use of meta keywords, their importance has significantly decreased over time and they are no longer an important part of search engine optimisation.

           Copy the below Given Code

<meta name="title" content="blog related to internet for website"/>

<meta name="description" content="Today Government Jobs - website designe - National and International Scholarships - Blogging - Online Earning Tips and Tricks world no#1 Platform."/>

<meta name="keywords" content="government jobs, website design, National and International Scholarships, online earning tips, SEO tips, Blogging, youtube, daily updates,"/>

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"/>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

<meta name="language" content="English"/>

<meta name="revisit-after" content=" days"/>

<meta name="author" content="Solutions Hub"/>


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